Corporate Social Responsibility Policy
Corporate social responsibility reflects who we are as a company and our daily goal. We want to contribute to positive change to the Healthcare industry's quality. Our goal is to foster greater public trust in laundry providers and become a sustainable business. TLS is a good corporate citizen.
Policy Purpose. Why does small niche laundry business have a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)?
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) company policy discusses our accountability toward our environment, industry, clients, team members, and all stakeholders. We are part of a larger eco-system of values, people, organizations, and nature. The social responsibility of a small business is to act responsibly and take care of the local community.
What is corporate social responsibility?
It is a policy which outlines Total Laundry Solutions (TLS) efforts to serve values that create positive change.
Scope of Policy
This policy applies to our company, employees, and partners.
Policy elements
We want to be an accountable business that meets the highest standards of ethics and professionalism.
Our company’s social responsibility falls into two types: compliance and initiatives.
Compliance is our company’s commitment to social policies and community values.
Total Laundry Solutions will:
Respect the law
Honor internal policies
Guarantee that all its business operations are legitimate
Keep every partnership and collaboration transparent
Business Integrity
We will always conduct business with respect for human rights. We will endorse:
Fairness in all business transactions
Respect toward the consumer and their time
Anti-bribery and anti-corruption practices
Caring for the environment
TLS recognizes the need to protect the environment.
Protecting people and recognizing risks
We will ensure that we:
Do not risk the safety and health of our employees, community, clients and their patients. A workplace health and safety program is one of our daily pillars. Our emergency and response program helps protect the health and safety of our employees, their surrounding communities, and the environment.
Human rights
We are a devoted, equal opportunities employer. Our company is dedicated to protecting human rights. Employee morale is essential to Total Laundry Solutions and we will always work to make sure it is a happy place to work and grow. We implement daily fair workforce practices.
Initiatives are every way to promote human rights and protect our natural environment.
Protecting the environment
Our company will proactively protect the environment. Examples of relevant activities include:
Using environmentally-friendly technologies
Saving energy
We will actively invest in the training of employees. We are open to suggestions and listen carefully to our partners and employees. Our company will try to assess it’s practices and policies and continuously improve the way it operates. We will readily act to promote our identity as a socially aware and responsible business.